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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Told You So!

As I said before, enjoy the good weather while you can, because the bad is nipping at it's feet and boy is it nipping. We've finally got the kind of weather you can expect at this time of year. Yesterday was about -26 with the windchill and first indications (I just had to take the babies pram out of the car, ready for daycare) are that today is similar. Apart from walking the babies to daycare, I shall be safely ensconced in a car, as I'm being picked up by John as we are both off to a clients for a meeting downtown.

I'm managing to keep very busy. The devil finds work and all that. Podcast User Magazine, for which I am one of the co-founders recently celebrated it's first full year of production. I'm still writing articles for the Globe and Mail newspaper and my other writing ventures are coming on nicely.

Sarah and Lucy are just fantastic. They are now in their own beds, after Sarah escaped from her crib. tTwice. Fortunately we were downstairs to hear the thud of her landing on the floor. She's a smart cookie though and managed to not hurt herself. They both adjusted to the beds really well. The only side effect is that they are not so keen on their afternoon nap at the weekends. We managed to change things around though and just keep them up downstairs. Lucy eventually crashes on the sofa and is just the cutest thing you've ever seen. Sarah eventually flags, but can't fall asleep downstairs, as there are just too many things to capture her attention. On Sunday when I saw she was getting tired, I said "Do you want to go to bed?" and she said "Yes". We both went upstairs and she climbed into bed and that was that. In the mornings they are both so funny. If they are awake (and they usually are), they're both usually sitting up in bed with a book. Can't complain about that now, can you.

Anyway I've gotta go. Not long before the little ankle biters are up and I have to get them ready to go. S'laters


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