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Friday, July 23, 2004

50% There

We went for another ultrasound yesterday so the doctor can keep an eye on the babies measurements, unfortunately there is still no word on the sex off baby 1. Baby 2 we were assured is a girl, Baby 1 however is keeping the secret to himself (herself).  It looks like our ultrasounds will be every 2 - 3 weeks, as this is the only way to get accurate measurements for twins, hey we're not complaining.  We again got a video of the ultrasound and just have to arrange for it to be transferred to the DVD so I can put it online.

Every day that passes is a step closer to the babies arriving.  I think I'm coping well, but every now and again I get a wave of uncertainty or is it panic :-)  As these are my first babies, I'm just hoping I do everything right and be as good a dad as I can. Maybe I should prebook some plastic surgery to have the bags removed from eyes in a couple of years :-) 

Thursday, July 22, 2004

My Name Is.... Porky Pig

The time finally came last night to go through my wardrobe and finally get rid of some clothes. My side of the walk in wardrobe was just crammed with t-shirts and jumpers I hadn't worn in a long time.  Some of these were just a little old, having been used to go to work in my former working life at Home Depot and a lot of them were just a little too snug for my liking.  Ok, Ok, maybe I have put on the minisculest amount of weight, but some of my shirts / t-shirts have definitely shrunk and I mean about an inch or so in length, which for me is just not comfortable. Anyway I have a mound of clothes that are heading to good will, hopefully they can make good use of them.

Weather was finally picking up, but we are due rain again today.  On the bright side, our grass is recovering nicely.  However we still have 12 bags of yard waster that the city is not due to pick up until October.  What a joke.  Looks like I'll have to take them to the dump myself.  Oh will it never end :-)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

The Wife and Kids are Fine!

We're off for another ultrasound on Thursday, hopefully we can find out if Baby 2 is gonna be a boy or a girl.  If there's one thing I hate, it's uncertainty.  Sherri is getting bigger by the day and looking more radiant.  She's off work for the next month at least and the extra rest is certainly helping.  I on the other hand am in a perpetual state of knackeredness, I suppose I ain't seen nothing yet :-)
We're also working on Project Mudder at the moment.  Secret code name, so I'll have to leave you in suspense. 

Monday, July 19, 2004

Hello Summer... Goodbye Summer.

You can really tell I'm English.  All I seem to talk about lately is the weather.  Oh well how can I just cast aside this stereotype... well I can't.  All weekend was lovely, even though the news kept telling us to expect rain most of the weekend.  I managed to mow the lawns and generally tidy up the garden a bit.  I also managed to swim and catch some rays.
The wife and kids are doing fine.  Sherri is off on sick leave at the moment as her back is killing her. In fact she's going for her first massage tomorrow and I think she's quite looking forward to it.  The girls are in heaven at the moment.  All they seem to do is sleep, eat and sit on the computer. I'm sure the computer is beginning to get a bit stressed and if I see cheek mark I'm going to flip :-)
Well the weather is going to catch up with us, so I'm reliably (sic) informed. More rain is on the way, but at least the grass will be happy.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Rain, Rain and More Rain!

I'm beginning to realise what was going through Noah's head all those years ago. As far as summers go, this one sucks. Not quite as much as the Leafs, but then what does.  Anyway It's really hard to believe it's summer.  Apart from 7 or 8 really nice days, it's been overcast or wet. I'm really hoping that the weather breaks soon as I would like to feel the sun on my white body as I don't want to go into the Winter being seethrough.
Work is going flat out at the moment, but it will be nice when things getting a bit more relaxed. We have another ultrasound next week. We were hoping to get a 3D one this time, as we found out there is 1 clinic in Ottawa with the right equipment.  Unfortunatley they don't have any openings next week, so we'll just have the usual kind.  When we do eventually get the 3D one, they apparently give you a CD with pictures and a video on, so when we get that, it will all go straight on the web. 
Apart from that not a lot happening. Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend.

Thursday, July 15, 2004


Can't seem to summon the energy to write this blog at the moment. Working hard to get the chance for a nice rest. The weather is awful at the moment. It hasn't stopped raining in days, oh well at least I won't have to top the pool up.

Anyway just wanted to check in to mention that we went to the OB/GYN yesterday and everything is progressing fine with the babies. However Sherri wasn't pleased as she gained 8lbs in 2 weeks. Looks like my babies are enjoying themselves in the never closed restaurant :-)


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I Am What I Am...

...a hot head. Speak now think later.
Any reaction even over reaction.
Excelling in foot in mouth,
without a cow in site.
The hardest word to say is sorry,
so don't try, don't lie.
Seethe in anger, repent alone.
So very alone.
The void is out there.
Don't slip into the void.

Monday, July 12, 2004

My Beautiful Wife and Babies

Sherri just sent me some pictures that her friend Gisele took at work this morning. I have been very bad in not putting up more pictures of the mother to be, so thought I would remedy that now. Isn't she beautiful. I just hope our girls take after their mum.

Love yous!

Friday, July 09, 2004


I joked to Sherri when she dropped me off this morning with my Timmys coffee and donut, "just throw the coffee over me now, I'll be wearing it later". Gues what, I am now wearing coffee! DOH!


I'm so tired. I can't even summon up the energy to do anything on the computer at home, which is very strange for me, considering I've been having a few hours to myself at night, as Sherri has also been very tired. I think it's just cos I need a holiday. A week or so of doing nothing. Maybe I'll take a few days off to enjoy the pool and a few beers.

Sherri is having bad back problems, carpal tunnel and plain old tiredness. I do feel sorry for her and just wish there was something I could do. As she constantly reminds me, "LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME" :-) I can just imagine what the birth is going to be like if it's natural :-).

Mandi has got a job (unpaid) working at the Ottawa Bluesfest. Basically for school she has to have done 40 hours of community service (hey criminals get that in England instead of prison) to graduate. I think the concept is sounds, but the school should be the one to find the work. At least Mandi will be getting out for a few weeks and she'll get to enjoy some good music.

No drum lesson tonight for Mandi, so it's home to laze in the pool after work. I think this weekend is going to be a lazy one.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

24 Hours and Counting.

Kosmo has now been seizure free for over 24 hours, so that is good. He was back to his old self when I got home yesterday. The wife and I were thinking maybe him being outside most of the weekend with us didn't help, who knows.

Got home last night and had a nice long swim. Did over 30 laps in the pool, which I admit is not that great, but it's exercise I wouldn't be getting normally. I also managed to lose my wedding ring. Now the reason that's not in bold is because I found it again, or rather Sherri found it. I threw the air bed out of the pool when I got in and the ring must have flown off with it. Fortunately it didn't disappear or my finger would be naked now.

I've just finished an interesting book by Mordecai Richler called On Snooker. He was a snooker nut and wrote this book in 2001. He covers some of the games most interesting characters including some of the great Canadian players of old, like Cliff Thorburn, Bill Werbeniuk and Kirk Stevens. I never knew there was so little money in the early days and never realised Joe Davis, unarguably one of the best players ever hardly made any money from it. On the whole a good quick read which only cost me $3.99 for a hardback at Chapters, you can't go wrong. I think I'll look at picking up one of novels.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Strange start to the day today. Kosmo had another seizure last night and another one this morning. They were fairly short ones, but Sherri has taken the day off today, just to keep an eye on him.

Anyway I went downstairs to let him out for a pee and Mandi and her friend were fast asleep on the chair and sofa. It's never comfortable having breakfast when there are people sleeping within view. Anyway I had a quick tea and left for work around 6:45am. Really early for me, but I didn't want to wake them.

I've spent most of this morning working on my "When I was a kid" series of articles. Today's began to turn into a mammoth, so I've saved it as a draft and will continuing working on it for the rest of this week. I'm currently covering my Loot years, and it's amazing home many peoples names I've forgotten. Actually I can remember most of the first names, it the last names that are giving me trouble.

Anyway off I pop to do a bit of work. Toodle Pip!

Monday, July 05, 2004

The Weeks Starts Here!

Finally summer is here... well sort of. This whole weekend was lovely. I finally got the remaining pile of sod bagged up and ready to go, although it has left a bit of a mess where it was once piled. Finally got to swim after more than a week of abstinence. Water was a balmy 80F. I said sort of as we are expecting a thunder storm later today, but hopefully that will clear the way for a great week.

I watched the Grand Prix yesterday morning and must say apart from 2 or 3 great moves it was pretty boring. It's a shame for the sport and the fans, but you can't deny that Ferrari and Michael Schumacher have worked hard and thoroughly deserve it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a great Schumacher fan, but credit where credit is due.

I also watched the Euro 2004 final and what can you say. Greece thoroughly deserved to win. If they played that well through the rest of the tournament, they deserved the win. I will say though they had no exciting attack at all. You could tell they concerntrated on their defense and set pieces, but it's great for an outsider to win it for a change.

I just got off the phone with Sherri today, and the poor pup had another seizure this morning. Just when you think the little fella is doing really well :-( At least there are people with him all day today. It seems his seizures come in twos and then he doesn't have them for 2 weeks or more. At least the medication is giving him a nice break between. If we could only get it down to once a month or so, I would be much happier, as I'm sure Kosmo would.

No rest for the wicked.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

How Many Bathrooms???

I close my eyes and all I can see is two little girls running towards me calling for "Daddy!". I must admit I'm scared shitless. We've just moved house, have 3 bathrooms, but I get the eerie suspicion that it's just not going to be enough :-) It's funny, for 20 weeks I've pretty much been cool as a cucumber, but all of a sudden I feel a rush of panic. It's not panic for the reality of the pregnancy, it's the reality of having 2 more kids pop out in quick succession. I've no doubt the 5 beers I've had, have something to do with the melancholy, but it's more than that. For over 30 years I was me. No one to answer to but myself. Within 4 years, I have got engaged, got married, had 2 wonderful children and now expecting 2 more. I suppose the feeling I'm having is something akin to dreaming and wanting to be pinched. I know I am but a clueless man, but my family is the most important thing to me and I'll strive to do give them the best I can.

I suppose it's all down here from now. I've had my hair longer than anyone in my family, but I suppose 2 more babies is going to send me over the top. Gray at 15, bald at 4 kids. If that is the case, I've had a good innings with my hair. If baldness is to come, what can you say. Hair today, gone tomorrow :-)

Friday, July 02, 2004

Mmm... Strange.

For some reason it appears I lost my last blog item? I can remember nearly every word in my head, yet when I had a quick peek at the blog today, it was gone? Bloody technology :-)

Anyway my last blog was to talk about how my Wednesday went! As with all my baby stories, or so it seems, we start with Sherri having slight pains the night before. Anyway apparently these are know as Braxton Hicks, which are very similar to contractions, but without the pain. The only strange thing is you don't usually have them this early in a pregnancy. Sherri called the doctor the next day and she said for us to come in, just for a quick check up. We got to the doctors office and one of the nurses had a quick listen with the Doppler and sure enough we could make out two heartbeats. The doctor said she'd booked an ultrasound for later that day, just as a precaution. We went for the ultrasound at 3pm and it wasn't just your common or garden ultrasound, this one was special.

The babies were fine and developing nicely. Both my baby girls are doing fine. Ooops did I say girls, dang I've given the game away :-) The technician said we definitely have one girl and most likely the other one is a girl too. I can't deny the fact that a boy would have been nice, but two little girls who are going to call me Daddy and run to me screaming when I get home is going to be awfully nice too :-) We'll probably go back in a few weeks for another ultrasound and will probably go back every 2-4 weeks thereafter until my little girls are ready to pop out.

Apart from that I've been pretty relaxed. Yesterday was Canada Day and the weather wasn't really up to much. We had a barbecue, but it wasn't warm enough to get in the pool yet. Oh well, maybe today.