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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me. 40 Today.

As I start writing this, it's about -3 outside and we are currently enjoying a snow, come ice storm. It's also the day 40 years ago that I was born. I still find it incredible to believe that I am 40 years old. I look back on my life so far and it all seems like such a blur. The last 10 years have probably flown by the fastest.

10 Years ago, I was working at an Internet / Database company in the UK, had lived in the same flat alone in Hackney for over 10 years and had a close circle of friends, who along with me, enjoyed going out and sampling the wares of various public houses. Whilst those 10 years were a blast, having no commitments whatsoever, there was something missing. There was a gaping void which I was still waiting to fill, but as of then, had found no one to fill it.

That all changed when I met Sherri and now my gaping void is bursting at the seems, a void no more. It's hard to convey to your children that while before them stands a man who's lived on this earth for 40 years, inside my head, I'm the same fun loving youngster I always was. Age may take it's tole on your looks, but for the majority of us, it improves our mind, but still allows us to thing we're still children. The one thing you need to be aware of, when you are a mere youngster, is that your first 21 years, are almost like the first half of your life. You strive to reach that magical age, when you can finally be considered an adult and then before you know it, the waves of years melt before your eyes. I can still remember vividly my 21st birthday as if it was yesterday. I suppose what I'm really trying to say, is don;t be in a hurry to grow up. You'll soon wish that you were younger, rather than older.

Not that growing older is scary by any means. I now have 5 wonderful children, a nice house, a wonderful wife and a job I actually enjoy. This is a far cry from 10 years ago. My life is organised chaos, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

So let me bid you farewell for another year. I shall however be trying to get on top of my blog again, as it seems to be an age between posts. If I haven't spoken or emailed you in a while, feel free to drop me a line.