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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Catching Up

I know, this blog is getting a bit neglected of late. Between work, children and general life, there just isn't enough time in the day for everything else. That will change as of Monday, when I'm take some time off work, because some special visitors are coming to town. They would be my Mum and Dad. It's been a while since I saw them last. My Mum last visited just after the Twins were born, back in 2004 and my Dad was last here in 2002. My Mum is going to get a huge shock. The last time she saw the twins, Lucy was still in an incubator. I think Sarah came home the day my Mum left. My Dad has yet to see either the Twins or Adam, so it's going to be a really great experience for them and us.

I have to go into work on Monday, to hand over some projects and to brief my co-workers, on what I have and where it can be found. My Mum and Dad get in at 6pm, so I'll try to leave work a little early and pick Sherri up, before heading to the airport. We actually live pretty close to the airport, it's just about 20 minutes door to door.

Adam continues to grow like a weed. He's a little off at the moment, I think he's just getting over a small cold, but even when he's down, he can;t help but smile. That smile he gives first thing in the morning and when I get home from work is priceless.

Sarah and Lucy are in the height of their terrible two's phase at the moment. It's not that they are particularly bad, but it's just the lack of listening. It's been worse of late, as they do get a bit stir crazy. It's been raining a lot lately, so they can't get outside as much as they want. Talking of the weather, it's been a pretty crappy summer. Yesterday was warm enough and actually very humid, but the rain puts a real damper (pun intended) on things. The pool looks a bit like a swap at the moment. OK probably a bit of an exaggeration, but it could really do with a heavy shock and a clean. It's just something that you can't be arsed to do, if you can't then get in the pool, because it's too cool.

So yes I'll be off work for nearly 2 weeks and I'm pretty much going to take it easy.
I'll try to post the odd blog entry and also upload photos and videos, but I'm not going to be doing any development or anything else that requires too much brain power.

Talking of videos, I've changed the way the video section works. Now you select the video you want to watch and it streams to your computer, as opposed to loading them all up front. I usually find it's best to wait till the video has loaded at least 50% if you have a decent connection or 100% if your connection is patch, this stops the video sputtering, while it tries to keep in sync.

So that's pretty much about it. The sun is beginning to come out, which means my babies will be waking up. I'm gonna let Sherri lay in today, as she's been feeling pretty tired of late. Also have to get the garage cleaned up this weekend and try to figure out if it's the fuse or motor that's gone on the drivers side electric window. It's a real pain not being able to open your window when you go through a drive through.

Catch ya later.