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Sunday, April 30, 2006

This England - William Shakespeare

Baaah, better late than never. This to me typifies everything that is great about England. I wanted to post it for St. Georges day on the 23rd April, but as happens a lot with me lately, I forgot. I spoke to my Mum on Friday and just like my Grandad used to do, my Dad had his customary red rose. Again, I forgot, but I shall endeavour to keep the tradition alive next year. So from one remote Englishman, to one that passed many moons ago, William Shakespeare.


This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,—
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nearly Time to Mow Again!!!

The garden is finally clear of snow and ice and I managed to get the front and back lawns raked, so they are now looking spick and span. I also took the chance, while the weather was warm to take down the Christmas lights, so the house is now all ready for summer. Actually Sherri and I were really busy this weekend getting the house nice and clean.

Lucy and Sarah are loving the passing of Winter, as they are getting more and more opporunities to get on the back deck and they just love the outside, so they are in heaven. It's funny Sherri put them down on the grass last night and Lucy wouldn't move for the longest time. She also nearly stumbled, when she finally got moving and I think she's not a big fan of the feel of grass :-)

Alanna has now finally joined the working masses and managed to get a job at our local grocery store, Loeb. I think she's going to get a real eye opener. I'm really proud of her, she's growing so fast. I can still remember when she couldn't bare to be apart from me, oh how the times have changed, now I'm just the old fart who doesn't know anything..... Hello Dad LOL

Anyway just wanted to post something here, as it's been a while. For anyone who hasn;t see it yet, there is a now mini gallery on the left of our home page. If you click on any of those pictures they will open in Flicker, an online photo site. I hope to add more stuff here soon.

Catch ya all soon.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


So yet another month has passed us by. April 1st started with the usual April Fool sillyness. It used to be that April Fools jokes were well crafted and snuck up on you. Now they are just thrust in your face and so easy to pick off, that the fun is gone, which is a shame as I used like that feeling of being caught and catching people out.

Spring is certainly in the air. There's just a hint of snow and ice left in the garden, so hopefully next weekend I can rake the grass and get the gardens looking presentable. I'm managing to keep very busy. At work we've just finished government year end, a time that is a particularly busy time for us.

At home I've launched yet another website, Vidcast Launchpad, doing for Vidcasts, what Podcast Launchpad is doing for podcasts. My podcast is now up to it's 12th episode, which is really neat and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. I've got a little bit of news coming, regarding my writing, but more of that when it's rock solid. I'm also building a website for a place to develop my personal writings and to show case them to potential editors. Yes I'm certainly busy, but loving it.

No matter how busy things get, there's always time for my girls. Mandi reently got her hair cut relatively short. It's certainly different and slowly growing on me. Alanna celebrated her 16th birthday and I must admit, it kind of snuck up on us. Where have the years gone. Sarah and Lucy continue to blossom. Their personalities are really developing and they are quite different. Lucy is the studious one, loving to sit and babble away to her books. Sarah is still the quiet one, but boy does she love to run around. As the spring is nearly here, we are spending more and more time on the back patio. The swimming pool is still pretty much frozen, but thawing more and more with every day.

I'm writing this at gone 1am, after just watching my F1 race in Australia. In less than an hours time, our clocks go forward an hour. Sherri is getting up again tomorrow morning with the babies, cos I'd probably be knackered otherwise. Isn's she just the best.

Anyway I have to dash, time to get some ZZzzzzs. S'laters.